Custom tread widths and depths

From time to time, we're asked a variation of the following question:

Scott | Sep 8, 2017 9:12:45 PM




my stairs measure 10.5 X 54 1/2", do you custom cut them, looking for 1" red oak, thank you

Hi Scott-


On box treads, we do not cut the treads and sell them in standard 11-1/2" widths x lengths in increments of 6". So, if there's a wall on both sides of your staircase, you'd need a 60" tread. See this link:


If you have an exposed edge (left or right return - or two exposed edges would be a double return), we can rip the tread to the 10-1/2" width prior to attaching the returns since cutting afterwards would be very difficult.  See these links:


Left returns:

Right Returns:


Here's a helpful link for the difference between the left and right returns:


If you'd like to attach a couple of photos, we can put together a quote for you and help in more detail with your particular project.