Local Terminal Pick Up - Shipping Option

Local Terminal Pick Up



Stair-Treads.com ships stock items FedEx Home Delivery but what about the shipping cost for items that aren’t stock, or over 8 ft long?


Residential Delivery is convenient since the freight truck with the stair parts will come by and deliver the materials. If this method of shipping is too expensive there is another option!


Local Terminal Pick Up is where we will send the materials to the freight terminal closest to you. Instead of the freight company setting an appointment with you to deliver, they would just inform you that it is at the hub and ready to be picked up. This saves time and money if the terminal is close enough to you or the job.


Here is a link for our Pick Up Locations:




Use your zip code to find the closest terminal.


When getting the shipping cost (quote) instead of residential, select business in the drop down box.